About us

The idea

Two best mates & a salty idea.

Hi, we are Luke (smiling obnoxiously) and Jake (seated), and we are the owners and operators of Salty Seats. We had the idea for Salty Seats back in 2018 on one of our many beach trips.

We were sitting in some uncomfortable beach chairs with legs sinking into the ground and thought... we can do better than this!


Samples, samples & more samples.

After discussing whether to start many times, we set to work on our idea. We first started by getting some freelance designers to create a technical drawing of our frame so that we had some information to put into our supplier brief.

It feels like we talked to hundreds of suppliers, but we eventually found a good fit for us and got started on some samples. It took us 5 editions, thousands of messages on design notes and even more headaches but it was all worth it.

This photo is actually our first sample! Lucky we didn't stop here.

Final sample

Finally a sample we were happy with (kinda).

This picture is of our final sample before the production run. We actually made a bunch of design iterations on this one but had to take the punt on ordering and hoping they got the changes right for the production batch.


Our launch at last!

In Feb 2023 we finally launched our long awaited project.

Hundreds of chairs & towels arrived and we slaved away filling our shed then got everything in order for the launch.

We are so proud of the products we have developed and can't wait to share them with the world.

The Future.

Big goals!

So far we have got into our first retail store here in South Australia and have our sights firmly set on getting stocked by the big retail brands here in Australia.

So far we are stocked in most states around the country and this is only the beginning. We have our sights firmly set on getting into the big retail brands here in Australia.

Our products are able to be shipped world wide and we would love to break into both the US and European market. Keep on the lookout as we will be coming to a beach near you.

What's important to us.


Our customers have always been our #1 priority and the following tab is just another way we try to best serve you.

We will always try to give you the best customer experience possible so you can carry that over to a wonderful, convenient beach experience.

Our customers have always been our #1 priority and the following tab is just another way we try to best serve you.

We will always try to give you the best customer experience possible so you can carry that over to a wonderful, convenient beach experience.

Thank you!

We would not be here if it wasn't for you guys! We appreciate each and every one of you and how you have all supported us so much from the very beginning.

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